


Activity: Research more about the project

Objective:To get more information about my project

Content/ procedure: 

  • Research is being done in finding a few more research papers that are almost similar with my project
  • Used UniKL Online Resources website and another website to get more research papers from various places.
Result and analysis:

I have found 3 journals and 2 articles on the online website. 


  1. Malin Holm, (October 2013),Simulating Dialysis: Concept Evaluation of a PC Training Simulator of Nurses. Uppasala: Uppasala University
  2. Nieh H.M, (2010), Development of an Hemodialysis Simulator for Interdisciplinary Learning. Taiwan: National Taiwan University
  3. PerOlof Bengtsson & Jan Bosch, Dialysis Software Architecture Design Experiences




Activity: Project title confirmation and register on FYP UniKL BMI website.

Objective: To confirm with the supervisor on the project and register on the FYP BMI website

Content/ procedure:
·         I went to see my supervisor, Dr Sabry has confirmed my project title.
·      Make a confirmation of project title and registered the title with the supervisor at FYP UniKL BMI website
·         Dr Sabry has registered me on the FYP UniKL BMI website

    Result / analysis:

    The title has chosen is A Design of Hemodialysis Machine Prototype for Education. In haemodialysis, the blood is allowed to flow, a few ounces at a time, through a special filter that removes wastes and extra fluids. The clean blood is then returned to the body. Removing the harmful wastes and extra salt and fluids helps control the blood pressure and keep the proper balance of chemicals like potassium and sodium in the body. These project is designed to provide opportunities for real time education to the public, especially students and nurses about the hemodialysis process, the advantages and disadvantages. Hemodialysis machines are very expensive compared to the prototype hemodialysis machine.

The objective of this project:
  • To give understanding about the function of kidney
  •  To give a knowledge on how hemodialysis machine works.
  • To design a prototype of real hemodialysis machine.

Conclusion: I have discovered the objectives for my project and I have a strong reason to continue on this project as my final year project.



Activity: Choose the title of final year project

Objective: To get the best title for Final year project

Content/procedure: Do a research about the project that has choosing.

Result and analysis:
1.    The title that has I choosing is A Design of Hemodialysis Machince Prototype for Education.
2.    I’m doing some reviews on hemodialysis such as;
·         What kind of diseases that used haemodialysis treatments?
·         What is haemodialysis machine?
·         What is the main components of Haemodialysis machine?
·         How it works?
·         How much the market price of haemodialysis machine?

Conclusion: I’m writing a literature review based on journals and articles. Other than that, I find the component and spare part to develop a prototype hemodialysis machine.




Activity: FYP 1 briefing

Objective: To expose the students with all information regarding FYP 1 in UniKL BMI.

Content/Procedure: The FYP1 briefing was conducted at TTL 1. The activity was conducted by Madam Nurlida Bt Abdul Aziz which is one of FYP committees.
The briefing is all about FYP 1 information such as:
  •         Introduction
  •          Objective
  •          Credits and duration
  •          Scope of projects
  •          Title registration
  •          FYP logbook/blog
  •          Title selection
  •          Project assessment
  •          Presentation day
  •          Submission date of project

Result/ analysis
Madam Nurlida gave brief explanation on how to choose the title for FYP project and advised the students to find supervisors. She also explained about the FYP calendar and advised students to adhere with timeline given.

Conclusion: Start to record all activities in online blog.


Date: 27/09/2016

Activity: Supervisor selection

  •          Find the supervisor that can supervise during the final year project 1 and final year project
  •          To get the best title for final year project
  •          Discuss with supervisor about the project title selection

Content/procedure: Supervisor proposed some titles that can be used as  final year project.

Result and analysis:
  •          Dr Sabry is selected as the supervisor
  •          Supervisor briefing about how to select the project and give us suggestion some titles to choose which ever suitable for us.
  •         Supervisor suggest hemodialysis prototype for education as my FYP
  •          Supervisor asked to do a research about hemodialysis

Do a research about the hemodialysis

A Design of Hemodialysis Machine Prototype for Education


The blog is creating to record all the activities during conduct the final year project (FYP1). The main aspect is the activity, objective, content/procedure, result/analysis and conclusion of data collection every week. The title for my FYP1 is "A DESIGN OF HEMODIALYSIS MACHINE PROTOTYPE FOR EDUCATION".

Haemodialysis means “cleaning the blood” and that is exactly what this treatment does. Blood circulated through a machine which contains a dialyzer (also called an artificial kidney). The dialyzer (also called an artificial kidney). The dialyzer has two spaces separated by a thin membrane. Blood passes through on one side of the membrane and dialysis fluid passes on the other. The wastes and excess water pass from the blood through the membrane into the dialysis fluid, which is then discarded. The cleaner blood is returned to your bloodstream. 

Figure 1:  How the hemodialysis machine works