


Activity: Submit report proposal and complete update blog


  1. Explain all activities done for passed 14 week for this semester
  2. Update and make some correction in certain part of this blog
  3. Submit report proposal to supervisor


  1. Send the draft or report to supervisor before submit the final report proposal
  2. Supervisor make some correction on my report

  1. Report Proposal will be submitted on 6/1/2017
  2. Blog is done updated until week 14

Even though I have completed submit my proposal and my blog, I still have to prepare for my FYP 2, which is the mechanical parts for the next semester. Overall, all the tasks given for this semester had been done completely. Special thanks to my supervisor, Dr Ahmad Sabry , who always guide me to archive my objective for this semester. Thanks a lot to my family and friends that always support me doing my project. 



Activity: Making report proposal and updating blog


  • Making the report proposal for FYP 1 
  • Updating the blog 

  • Start writing the report about my project
  • Discuss with friends to make some correction on my English grammar on my blog.


Blog is done updated


To complete the report and the block until week 14. 



Activity: Presentation Day for Final Year Project 1 (FYP1)


  1. Propose project title as final year project as degree engineering student
  2. Take note for any corrections/recommendation gave by assessors
  3. defend the project title for FYP2


  • Keep reading anything related to my project
  • Prepare myself to be confident during presentation.

Figure 1: Front page of my slide presentation

The presentation had been done successfully. I had been assessed by 2 assessors which were Madam Afifah and Sir Zubir. Some recommendations had been given to improve my project which is :
  1. The flow chart must be clear explanation
  2. The blood volume rate must be know when are using the prototype.
  3. The project should be have extracorporeal blood circuit and dialyses system
  4. The project should have a pressusre sensor and bubble detector


I have received good recommendations that later I will think about




Activity: Research about the circuit diagram used to developed my project
Objective:To find the suitable circuit diagram that can be used for my project


  • A lot of circuit diagram based on 8051 microcontroller project. I choose circuit diagram stepper motor interfacing with 8051. it is the simple circuit but I will add one more stepper motor

Stepper motor is made up of a stator and a rotator. Stator represents the four electromagnet coils which remain stationary around the rotator, and rotator represents permanent magnet which rotates. Whenever the coils energised by applying the current, the electromagnetic field is created, resulting the rotation of rotator (permanent magnet). Coils should be energised in a particular sequence to make the rotator rotate. On the basis of this “sequence” we can divide the working method of Unipolar stepper motor in three modes: Wave drive mode, full step drive mode and half step drive mode.
In this project, full drive step will use. full step drive is when  two coil are energised at the same time producing high torque. Power consumption is higher.
Figure 1: The stepper motor circuit interfacing with 8051 microcontroller

 I choose the above circuit to make the revision on designing my project. The all component are available at the market and internet..




Activity : Research about the component that will uses in the project


  • To study about the microcontroller AT89S52
  • To study about the peristaltic pump using stepper motor
  • To study about the dialyser

  1. AT89S52 is use in this project as microcontroller that will control all the process of the system.
  2. Peristaltic pump using stepper motor to transporting the blood from the input to the output. 
  3. water filter is use to replace dialyser in this project
Result/ analysis:

  1. AT89S52 is 8K byte programmable flash memory
  2. AT89S52 have 4 ports , 2 interrupts,3 timers and etc 
  3. Stepper motor using unipolar mode
Figure 1 : AT89S52 pinout

Figure 2 : Peristaltic pump using stepper motor [1]

The microcontroller AT89S52 is suitable to drive this project and the peristaltic pump is used to transporting the fluid.




Activity: FYP Briefing #2 . Briefing about technical proposal wiriting report

Objective: To learn how to write a technical proposal writing report correctly.


  • A briefing was held at Seminar Room Level  1
  • We were briefed about how to write the technical report from A to Z
  • The briefing was delivered by Madam Pusparini Dewi Abd Aziz
  • A copy of handout is given to each students for reference

Figure 1: Memo for FYP briefing #2


  1. Explanation from Madam Pusparini indeed has clear out all the confusion in my mind about what to do on the report. All the details were explained clearly together with examples. There were also students asked a few question to Madam. Madam has answered it excellently. 
  2. The content of the technical report:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Materials and methodology


This workshop indeed is very helpful for us students. I get a clear image on how to start doing the proposal. I can now start doing my project proposal.




Activity: Do a research about the stepper motor and servo motor

Objective: To know more about the stepper motor and servo motor. 

Content/ Procedure:

  1. Do a research about the stepper motor and servo motor
  2. Do a comparison which is better to works as peristaltic pump in order to deliver the fluid from input to output.


     1. Servo motor
  • Fast, high torque, accurate rotation within a limited angle 
  • Generally a high performance alternative to stepper motors, but more complicated setup with PWM tuning.
  •  Suited for robotic arms/legs or rudder control etc.
      2. Stepper motor
  • Slow, precise rotation, easy set up & control
  • Advantage over servo motor in positional control, where servo requires feedback mechanism and support circuitry to drive positioning, a stepper motor has positional control via its nature of rotation by fractional increments.

Stepper motor is better than servo motor because slow, precise rotation, easy to set up and control. Besides that, a stepper motor has positional control via its nature of rotation by fractional increments.



Activity: Designing the flow chart and flow process of the project

  • To design the flow process of the project
  • To design the flow chart of the project based on the flow process .
  1. A flow process is designed to show the general flow how it is works
  2.  A flow chart is designed to show each of steps process in sequential order.
Result and analysis:
  1. The flow process are designed based on figure 1 and figure 2
  2. The flow chart are designed based on figure 3
  3. This project is divided into two circuit system which is first is extracorporeal blood circuit and dialysate delivery system.

Figure 1: The flow chart of the Hemodialysis Machine Prototype
Figure 2: Functional Flow Block Diagram of Hemodialysis Machine Prototype

Conclusion: The process of the project is more clearer after designing the flow chart the process flow



Activity: Design block diagram of the project


  • To design the block diagram of the project

Content/ procedure:

  • A simple block diagram is designed to show the input, the process and the output.

Result/ analysis:
  1. The block diagram (figure 1) are design with the input, process and  output.  The input is consists of power supply, push button (1), and LCD display(1) while the output consists of filter (dialyser), push button (2), LCD display (2) and peristaltic pump. Other than that ,the microcontroller AT89S52 will controller all the system in this project
  2. LCD display is used to shows each of the process of cleaning and filtering in order to give more understanding to students, nurses and community. 


The process of the project are clear after designing the flow chart and block diagram